
妈妈们想从商——我们喜欢动脑筋, feeling independent and recognised for our abilities – but we also seriously love our babies and want to spend quality time with them. It’s tough, but it can be done with some regimented planning and a supportive ‘village’ around you. Here’s my story and five strategies that have helped me find balance as a Mum in 业务.

我有两个漂亮的女儿,一个四岁,一个两岁. 我每周有三天时间管理一个团队 澳门赌场官网澳门赌场官网公会特许澳门赌场官网师和我丈夫一起拥有并经营一家园林绿化公司. 我把我们的生意安排在上下班的火车上, 在我回家的日子里偶尔小睡一下, 每天晚上7点以后,当女孩们上床睡觉的时候. 下面是对我有用的方法:

1. 一定要锻炼

Being fit and healthy is essential so you can look after everything and everyone else. 试着做好你的日常锻炼. 妈妈们的脑子里有很多东西——生意, 孩子们, 合作伙伴, 豪斯,你需要这段时间冷静下来,集中注意力.

Book in the same times each week on your fridge calendar (don’t have one? 设置一个!), so your partner knows when they are required to be ‘on duty’. 一旦这变成了例行公事,就更容易偷偷溜走了. 我很长一段时间都没在意这件事, and kept paying my monthly fee for the cheapest gym in the world – but eventually I booked a personal trainer to help me. His advice was simple – 1) Drink more water 2) Eat less sugar 3) Exercise for half-an-hour three times a week. The half-hour routine with weights training has provided a noticeable difference quickly – which helps justifying the time away from home!!

我也是普拉提的超级粉丝——如果你的健身房提供普拉提课程的话, try and include a session each week – the core strength and stretching is GOLDEN when combatting pains from carrying toddlers around and picking things up all day.

服用多种维生素! Honestly, my mother in law follows me around shaking vitamin containers – “Have you taken your B?” and I roll my eyes – but seriously, a decent, daily multi-vitamin seems to make a difference.

2. 把家里的东西外包出去

Not always an option with budget constraints – but if you can employ a house cleaner to come and scrub the bathrooms, 用拖把拖地,把灰尘清除掉——花这笔钱是值得的! This will give you a few extra hours during naptimes and after 7pm to spend on your business 工作.

如果你的伴侣需要帮忙带孩子, outsource a lawn mowing person and a mobile car cleaning person to take the pressure off them as well – win/win. For me this means my days home with the girls consist mainly of washing, 一般整理和花时间与他们-惊人!

3. 接受帮助

Grab offers from in-laws for childcare, don’t feel guilty about it! 如果你的孩子是日托年龄, and if by some chance the stars align and an available day pops up for each child in different rooms at day care, 抓住它. A day of childcare is a day of incredible productivity for your business. 在这些天堂的日子里, 休息, 出去散步, 如果你必须洗一大堆衣服的话, but stay in the office for the best part of the day and catch up on emails and admin. 你会感觉好多了.

4. 建立一个适合你的业务和你的优势的“村庄”!

一个经商的妈妈需要一群专家来帮助她. Make sure you have a decent accountant and a strong business admin team among them. Focus on your core business and outsource the things you need help with or that aren’t your strong points.

For our landscaping business, my ‘village’ consists of a (very underpaid!) accountant (me) who doubles as bookkeeper and social media content writer; a contracted ‘business helper’ for website and SEO; a contracted graphic designer, 还是销售/活动专家(我丈夫最好的伙伴).

Find people who understand your business and can answer your questions quickly so you can get projects moving as fast as possible. 对于职场妈妈来说,时间就是一切. A team of advisors that you can contact after hours and get a response the next day will help you put all your amazing ideas into action.

I’d also recommend being part a couple of interactive 业务 Mums groups on 脸谱网 (if you haven’t already) as they offer valuable support for all sorts of day-to-day concerns. 周围有很多,挑选那些有积极氛围的, 你随时都能找到倾诉对象!

5. 不要让罪恶感占据你

Being a business mum CAN BE DONE, and without sacrificing quality much time with your toddlers too. 随着他们长大, I believe it’s fantastic for children to see their mum in action pursuing her dream, 并将这些商业理念灌输给他们.


If your business is growing exponentially and you would like a great chartered accountant to be part of your ‘village’, 请与我澳门赌场官网! Accru有一个专门的澳门赌场官网团队, tax and business advisory professionals across Australia and can match our team to your needs. 我们专门提供 外包澳门赌场官网 快速增长的业务.

Katherine Buczynski , Accru Felsers悉尼
Katherine’s openness and ability to listen are key attributes that help her relate to clients and their individual situations. 她喜欢简单地解释事情, so business owners can understand complex tax issues in terms of their practical and financial implications.
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